Back to School!

Summer is ending (at least our summer program is) and our school age kids are heading back to school. It is coming quickly and we are ready for another great school year! Our program offers a Before and After School program and we transport kids to/from school within the Kent School District. Five of the schools we will use the Real Kids Learning busses to get them to/from school and kids who attend Jenkins Creek will ride a school bus - that picks them up directly from our center.

These schools include:

  • Cedar Valley Elementary

  • Covington Elementary

  • Crestwood Elementary

  • Grass Lake Elementary

  • Jenkins Creek Elementary

  • Sawyer Woods Elementary

If you are looking for a Fun Faith filled program for your child we want them here! We have available spots all across our schools.


New school years can bring many different emotions and we want to help you with some helpful tips in making this transition easier.

3 Tips for making the transition back to school successful:

  1. Get back into routine: Routine is vital to development and it is important for kids to have a routine going into the school year. Getting back into the school routine will help your child go into the school year with expectations, ease, and confidence that they can conquer the school year!

  2. Create a calendar: This can be printing off the school calendar, creating a family calendar of dates they will be out of school, things happening each week, anything that will help your child know what is going on - make it clear for them to see! This will help any child since it gives them something to look forward to each week and during the school year!

  3. Involve them: Getting the kids involved with the back to school festivities such as clothes shopping, packing their lunch, picking out what they are going to wear, taking them to see their school beforehand. These things seem so simple, but make the transition of going back to school a lot easier and more enjoyable.

We hope you help find these tips useful and we are ready for a new school year!

Niki Martin
Summer Safety – 3 Ways to Stay Safe and Have Fun!

Summertime is such a fun time of year here in the Northwest! With summer around the corner, it’s vitally important to ensure your children are safe.

  1. Plan - Have a plan before your child ventures outside. Write it down, have a family meeting and make sure everyone agrees and understands the safety rules that apply at home, school and childcare/daycare centers. Remind your child that “rules” or guidelines, as I like to call them, give us freedom to be safe and healthy.

  2. Prepare – Create a summer kit that would have important items such as bottled water, a small first aid kit which would include one-time use ice-packs, waterproof sunscreen, snack/protein bars; for small children include extra set of clothes, diapers and wipes, bottle and formula.

  3. Stay Hydrated – Always include high-water-content foods in your daily meal planning to help your family stay well-hydrated at all times so strenuous activities don't find them in a deficit. In addition to water, fruit, fruit juice, and many vegetables are excellent sources of hydration.