Posts tagged Safety
Summer Safety – 3 Ways to Stay Safe and Have Fun!

Summertime is such a fun time of year here in the Northwest! With summer around the corner, it’s vitally important to ensure your children are safe.

  1. Plan - Have a plan before your child ventures outside. Write it down, have a family meeting and make sure everyone agrees and understands the safety rules that apply at home, school and childcare/daycare centers. Remind your child that “rules” or guidelines, as I like to call them, give us freedom to be safe and healthy.

  2. Prepare – Create a summer kit that would have important items such as bottled water, a small first aid kit which would include one-time use ice-packs, waterproof sunscreen, snack/protein bars; for small children include extra set of clothes, diapers and wipes, bottle and formula.

  3. Stay Hydrated – Always include high-water-content foods in your daily meal planning to help your family stay well-hydrated at all times so strenuous activities don't find them in a deficit. In addition to water, fruit, fruit juice, and many vegetables are excellent sources of hydration.